Madly Spinning Geolites at Halloween Party

Geolite LED Toy Spinning Light Toy Stocking Stuffer

From time to time, hopefully at least once a week, we will be posting a blog about our Geolites, giving you beginning tutorials, new tricks for advanced spinners, people having fun with them at parties and other events, and anything else we can think of having to do with the Geolite that we think you might enjoy..

This is our first blog and for this one we decided to show some short videos we took at a Halloween party where we handed out some geolites to see how quick people unfamiliar with the Geolite could pick it up. Plus, it was cool to see the Geolites being twirled around by people in scary costumes! Everyone had a lot of fun learning and spinning the Geolite, especially when the music was playing.

The Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man a little trouble keeping the light from hitting his stomach, but his costume was so great that we had to show it:


 The Nightmare Before Christmas character picked it up pretty fast:


 And the Girl Ghoul took only a few minutes to master the beginning level of expertise and then it was hard to stop her:


We hope you enjoyed these videos. Holiday events are a great time to pull out your Geolite and wow your friends, and they make great presents and stocking stuffers, not that expensive but LOTS of fun. 

The only limitation is your imagination!

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