News — Spinning Light Toy
Amazing News!
Geolite Gurrufio LED Toy Light up toy Nite-Fun Orbit Orbitals Orbits Spinning Light Toy Zoom Zooms
Guess what geolites fans? We're proud to announce that we are on eBay and Amazon! We're excited about what the future holds and hope everyone will join us on this ride. Amazon eBay
What Can A Geolite Do?
Christmas Geolite LED Toy Spinning Light Toy Stocking Stuffer Sugar Alternative
Stuff Children's Stockings With Geolites Instead of Harmful Sugar!
Christmas Geolite LED Toy Spinning Light Toy Stocking Stuffer Sugar Alternative
Have a Merry Healthy Christmas Have you ever wondered if Santa should put something else in your child's Christmas stocking in place of the items made mostly of sugar? Traditionally, a child may find walnuts, almonds, tangerines and other healthy foods, but in addition there are usually candy canes, chocolate renditions of Santa, a snowman or an angel, and almost always Hershey's Kisses. But there are more and more recommendations from people in the know, such as Dr. Mercola, Nora Gedgaudas, Dr. David Perlmutter and other prominent doctors, authors and researchers, who emphatically say that to do so is a definite NO...
How to Start Your Geolite Spinning!
Geolite LED Toy Spinning Light Toy Stocking Stuffer
Hi, This is my second blog post on the geolite toy. We sell this toy on Pier 60, Clearwater Beach, Florida, and while selling it there I noticed that the hardest thing for new customers to get the feel of and master is simply this: Starting the Geolite spinning and keeping it spinning! Starting your geolite spinning and keeping it spinning is the basic key to all the many amazing tricks possible with this toy, so we decided to make a quick how-to video which does a great job demonstrating the important points on how to start the spinning motion and how...
Madly Spinning Geolites at Halloween Party
Geolite LED Toy Spinning Light Toy Stocking Stuffer
From time to time, hopefully at least once a week, we will be posting a blog about our Geolites, giving you beginning tutorials, new tricks for advanced spinners, people having fun with them at parties and other events, and anything else we can think of having to do with the Geolite that we think you might enjoy.. This is our first blog and for this one we decided to show some short videos we took at a Halloween party where we handed out some geolites to see how quick people unfamiliar with the Geolite could pick it up. Plus, it...